Name: Wouter Horn
Blackmetalname: carroth boroth, he who dwells in the long forgotten dungeons of misery
Age: 18
Parents are from: Norway and The Netherlands
Favorite Jewish Wisdom
Dutch : De verwaandheid gaat vooraf aan de verwoesting, hoogmoed komt voor de val
Norwegian : arrogansen er føle etter av ødeleggelsen , hovmodet forhøyelser tidligere det downfall
Englisch : the arrogance is followed by destruction, the pride rises before the downfall
Favorite song: Carl and Nathan
Instrument: IIbanez RG470L ( that beauty on your left )
Function: being the weird, kind of attractive guy, refusing to fit in with modern society.
Been playing since 1997
Name: Ruben Bromet
Nom de guerre: lammathiath, nestor for all the gnomes from the forgotten era
Date of birth: 20 – 07 – 1986
Parents are from norway and italy
Favorite: Jewish Wisdom – leave me alone
Playlist december 2002:
Dark Funeral – Diabolus Interim
The crown – Crowned in Terror
Dark Tranquillity – Damage Done
Opeth – Deliverance
Favorite song: Saucage wolf, Saucage dog
Instrument: shells, skins, and copper
Function: Ruby is the though guy of the group, he’s direct and headstrong, but when you break through that though layer, you’ll find that there’s a loving friend, lover and a bukesputer inside
Name: Renny
Blackmetalname: eurennymous, he who eats peanuts like no man ever did
Age: 22
Parents are from The Netherlands and Kenya
Favorite Jewish Wisdom
Favorite song: Carl and Nathan
Instrument: Gibson SG (that beauty on your left )
Function: Being the nigger of the band comes with a lot of responsabilitys, one of them is being the frontman, meaning every word he screams out loud!!
Been playing since 1998
Name: Jordi van Oosterom
Blackmetalname: spinoth, the immortal warrior, he who strikes from the blue
Age: 20
Parents are from The Netherlands, raised by foster parents in Norway
Favorite Jewish Wisdom Kasie
Favorite song: The Ox
Instrument: Yamaha ( that beauty on your left )
Function: Quiet, he keeps his energy to himself, but you can truly see him enjoying every second of his time onstage, escaping from everyday’s life and its eternal sorrow.
Been playing since 1998